Engagement Principles
Engagement Principles
We need to get the uncomfortable stuff out of the way, and get on with doing the job.
To give you peace of mind, Fusion carries extensive Professional Indemnity cover; not that we’ve ever needed to rely upon it nor do we expect to, it’s there nonetheless.
Our standard operating procedure, when the basis of the engagement has been agreed, is to create a “letter of engagement” supported by our standard Ts & Cs that sets out what we are both signing up for.
The letter will cover those elements that are unique to the project such as
- objectives
- agreed deliverables
- timeframe
- resource input
- definitions on what both parties are expected to do
- and definitions of what is out-of-scope for both parties
- confidentiality obligations
- and of course price and payment terms
Once the letter is in place, we can then concentrate on delivering the project together successfully.